Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today's Required Reading: Dick Hyacinth's "Final Best of 2008 Workbook/Checklist"

I would hope that everybody reading this already subscribes to Dick Hyacinth's blog (Dick Hyacinth's One-stop Hyphen Shop, a.k.a. Dick Hates Your Blog); his blog was one of the ones that made me want to start writing about comics.

So, in case you missed his post from last night, go read it. I think it is amazing how I've spent countless hours this year reading comic books and yet I haven't read many of the books on that list. And it's not like I'm not trying, or confining myself to just reading superhero stuff either. There is just so much great work out there, and there just isn't enough time to read it all. At least this year I know about almost all of these books already; last year at this time I wasn't nearly as dialed in to the comic book world and might have recognized a small fraction of the books on the list.

Also, in case you are making your holiday shopping lists, I'd add two books that Dick didn't have in his list: 1) Tamara Drewe by Posy Simmonds (I'll be putting up a review of this one soon); and 2) All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. Both are certainly worth consideration when picking the top ten books of the year. Also check out Jeff Lemire's Essex County Vol. 3: The Country Nurse -- I will be reading this next, and I expect that it is just as good as the earlier volumes, which I really loved.


  1. God no too many books to read no no no *splode*.

  2. This list is a travesty. How could he miss issue 4 of "Aquaman v. Prop-8"? The first time you see Dr. Prop-8 in his evil underground palace was amazing.

    Go Giants!
